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Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones (IIEZ)

By |November 17th, 2023|Categories: Autonomy Infrastructure, autonomy infrastructure lab, Intelligent Infrastructure, Advanced Air Mobility|

INTELLIGENT INFRASTRUCTURE ECONOMIC ZONES We are establishing an Industry 4.0 Coalition aligned with the United States DOD Trusted Capital program. It is critical to establish an investment capital foundation to support the new technologies, services, and manufacturing operations. Industry 4.0 will drive the next 100 years of innovation. Building Stronger and More Connected Communities Our nation is going back to Building infrastructure at scale. National sovereignty and global productivity will go to the nation that deploys the Intelligent Infrastructure enabling Industry 4.0. Unleashing the largest productivity boom in world history. Norm Anderson, the Legendary Infrastructure Leader, said it best: “Intelligent Infrastructure depends on leadership, It will be the brains of our economy.” For decades he pulled together leaders and visionaries to invigorate the buildout [...]

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I3 Regional ASOCC

By |May 7th, 2022|Categories: Intelligent Infrastructure, Advanced Air Mobility, Autonomy Infrastructure, autonomy infrastructure lab|

CENTRAL TEXAS REGIONAL ASOCC The Clean Energy Tech Center will provide the SH130 ASOCC INTELLIGENT INFRASTRUCTURE CORRIDOR The SH130 Region will be one of the first Intelligent, Autonomous, and Electrified Corridors in the Nation. The Autonomy Institute is collaborating with operating partners, Texas cities and agencies on a regional deployment of Intelligent Infrastructure. Several commercial developers with properties along the SH130 corridor are providing leadership and collaboration to accelerate deployments. This corridor will activate broadband, advanced wireless, connected systems sensors, assured position-navigation-timing, charging infrastructure, edge computing, and other devices. All to support near-term and long-term services to our communities. The leadership of the Clean Energy Tech Center (CETC) is providing the critical facilities to [...]

I3 Industry Standards

By |February 26th, 2022|Categories: Autonomy Infrastructure, autonomy infrastructure lab, Intelligent Infrastructure, Advanced Air Mobility|

I3 INDUSTRY STANDARDS Integrated Intelligent Infrastructure is the backbone for Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities.  I3 infrastructure will support advanced and automated cities services. The densification of technology requires a new approach to installation, management, upgrading, security as well as aesthetic impact within a city. Industry Standards are critical for unified Integrated Intelligent Infrastructure (I3).  INDUSTRY 4.0 SOLUTIONS REQUIRE I3 STANDARDS Developing Intelligent Infrastructure standards will require collaboration across a number of industries and government agencies.                                           [...]

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National Intelligent Infrastructure Commerce Act

By |February 6th, 2022|Categories: Autonomy Infrastructure, Intelligent Infrastructure, Autonomous Corridors, Active|

NATIONAL INTELLIGENT INFRASTRUCTURE COMMERCE ACT 2023 A priority of the Autonomy Institute is passing AN ACT in the 118th CONGRESS (1st Session) To encourage and develop the deployment of the Intelligent Infrastructure and the use of autonomous systems in commerce, and for other purposes.  The United States will lead the development and commercial deployment of autonomous systems. The enablement of Edge Computing, NextG and Intelligent Transportation Systems will create multiple transformational industries. Autonomy will drive productivity gains at an unprecedented scale and is a strategic imperative for national security and economic sovereignty. There was a moment of time that for rail, for electricity, for communications, for aviation, for interstate highways, for the internet, for the cloud, . . . . . . . [...]

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Greenport AAM Innovation & Business Campus #2

By |November 23rd, 2021|Categories: Intelligent Infrastructure, Advanced Air Mobility, Autonomy Infrastructure, autonomy infrastructure lab|

Central Texas Advanced Air Mobility and Innovation Campus We have partnered with a visionary developer building an airport from the ground up to support Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and advancing Urban Air Mobility (UAM) throughout the Austin region, Texas and the nation. This includes a platform for as many of the aerospace developers working on developing, evolving and operating AAM and UAM aircraft. This platform includes the integrated parts of solutions required to advance intelligent and autonomous management, operations within cities, foundational infrastructures, equipment, manufacturing, all modes of transportation, defense, security and many other areas. This development will support AAM companies looking to increase their OODA loop within a 24/7 R&D facility, right here in Texas. There are over 200 companies competing for the successful development of VTOL and [...]

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The Austin Omniverse

By |October 12th, 2021|Categories: Active Digital Twins, Active, Intelligent Infrastructure|

AUSTIN OMNIVERSE PROJECT - ACTIVE DIGITAL TWIN City digital twins can improve planning activities such as public engagement, scenario planning, and zoning and development. They have the potential to assist planners in reaching local climate resilience, economic development, and housing goals (just to name a few). The digital twin helps foster collaboration between planning organizations and other city departments and agencies. The Digital Twin is the foundation for city planning, modeling of physical infrastructure, environmental indicators, resource consumption, zoning & regulation, transportation planning, and watershed management. The Digital Twin will require a data exchange with standardized data formats and that support cross-departmental experimentation. STRUCTURE OF A DIGITAL TWIN The Active Digital Twin has several system types including the GIS Foundation Model; [...]

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