The worlds first RAN network built from the ground up for Machine-to-Machine and Autonomous Systems. Wireless Manhattan Project for ground and low altitude airspace.
Services like Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation, and Autonomous Systems will require an entirely new network to support any scaled adoption. Edge computing, low-latency wireless, and new spectrum are key. This will be driven by new enabling technologies and standards like OpenRAN, Edge Computing, SDN, and Resilient PINNs. Just as the Internet flattened the proprietary wired network, this new OpenRAN will flatten the wireless networks.
PINN Clusters will lead the creation of the nation’s first Data-As-a-Utility.
The Autonomy Institute is accelerating the “Path to Commerce” for connected and autonomous systems. We are moving quickly on establishing a number of Autonomous Infrastructure GRIDS and Autonomous Mobility Corridors.
Progress is dependant on petabytes of data being captured by tens of thousands of mission profiles. The Intelligent infrastructure will support accelerated capture of the critical data required to ensure safe, resilient, and scaled autonomous systems.
Historical transformations by the DOT, FAA, NASA, DOD, and even the Internet – they were driven by infrastructure and data.
Time for us to accelerate our OODA Loop. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.
“Across the nation and around the world, the wireless revolution is fueling a voracious demand for access to the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. In the civilian sector, consumer devices from smartphones to wearable fitness recorders to smart kitchen appliances are competing for bandwidth. In the military, there is a growing reliance on unmanned platforms, from underwater sensors to satellites, and a push for broadband connectivity for every member of every Service. Managing this increasing demand, while combating what appears to be a looming scarcity of RF spectrum is a serious problem for our nation.” Dr. Mark Rosker, DARPA